Ubisoft clearly cares to give players options while having a store too. They're not throwing money at activision to throw the newer CoD titles nor do they for Origin games.

It's the issue of them Paying to get games lesser versions exclusive to that store. As no one complained about EGL and Fortnite. If you have a launcher with your own games exclusive or something no one will complain.

People like me want our Achievements etc and unified game list. You're talking has no relevancy to the one's who have a issue.
#Shenmue 3 epic exclusive Pc
Don't complain when PC games market is ruined. Sorry, but people are just too naive to think it is. For people who are defending Epic: did you ever question if this model is really sustainable? Where the Epic's money comes from? Fortnite? Tencent? Is it one endless? And another, what they need in exchange? My question: is this sustainable? Could Epic go on with that? Remember: Epic is proposing a model where they barely have any profit, if not having a loss let's be honest - to build a "fair" share for developers. How this will happen, in this current state of things? More Epic exclusive deals. Why I say "should"? Think about it: when their "needs" are over, what will maintain them there? Nothing, unless they again "need" to stay there. People can say anything, but it is not an "organic flow", meaning people aren't being driven to EGS for advantages, as it would naturally should be, they are going by eventual needs (a.k.a forced conditions). Not because "it's fair", but because it would only continue with the artificial scenery they created in the first place.