Fortunately, with videodiscs, we are meeting the challenge by delivering speaking class materials in ways that engage, motivate, and thrill our students.” In this study his students had an opportunity to use assorted multimedia technology as they explored other language skills: listening, reading, and writing. students look to us to prepare them for an increasingly technological world. The researcher wants to bring technology into his classroom and incorporate it into his speaking class using multimedia computer presentations. They are accustomed to receiving and processing information through multi-sensory sources. Today’s English Department students have grown up in a technological world with television, electronic toys, video games, VCRs, cellular phones, and more. Second, the students are familiar with this multimedia. First, it has twenty four hours available to be accessed by the students. Researcher’s motivation for focusing on multi media is twofold. Enthusiasm for speaking class can be defined as the students’ eagerness to participate in speaking class activities in the classroom, as well as out of classroom. In this study, the researcher investigated how the integration of multimedia at English Department of Unesa Surabaya would impact English department students’ enthusiasm for speaking class. Pre- and post-student surveys, written comments, and teacher observations are used to record changes in enthusiasm for speaking class during a six-week study period. Moreover, using authentic texts and other online resources can make teachers and learners less dependent on a textbook or copied handouts, which when relied on in class more likely than not discourages use of the language for communicative purposes.Ībstract: The effect of multimedia on students’ enthusiasm for speaking class (both in class and out of class) is investigated. Today, in Southeast Asia with the increasing availability of desktops in the classrooms, teachers and students are now clamoring for dependable Internet connection in the classroom as well because web-based applications support authenticity of materials and tasks, collaboration, socialization, and sharing, all important in communicative language learning, as well as creativity, which fosters learner engagement in language learning tasks and activities. Today the evolution of the Internet paradigm to Web 2.0 provides online tools that not only support the gathering of information but facilitate the production of information as well (Bottentuit & Coutinho, 2009). Far beyond the blackboards and chalk of ‘olden days,’ an earlier generation of learning technologies like overhead projectors, tape recorders and cassettes and CDs, and more recently the proliferation of technologies like LCDs, interactive whiteboards, and laptop computers have significantly changed the possibilities for learning that can happen in the classroom. Technology plays an increasingly important role in language teaching and learning.